Perodox MEKP is an organic peroxide, classified as a Class 5.2 hazardous material, with thermal instability. It may undergo uncontrolled decomposition when heated or contaminated, posing a risk of fire or explosion.

SADT: self accelerating decomposition temperature
The lowest temperature at which substances may undergo self accelerated decomposition in packaging containers used for transportation.
Ts max: maximum storage temperature
The recommended maximum storage temperature is at which the product can be stored stably with minimal quality loss.
Ts min: minimum storage temperature
The recommended minimum storage temperature is above this temperature to ensure that the product does not experience delamination, crystallization, or other issues.
Tem: Critical Temperature
The emergency temperature calculated by SADT, when the storage temperature reaches the critical temperature, the emergency response procedure must be activated.

According to customer requirements, we provide various packaging forms with maximum packaging quantities that comply with relevant regulations such as the United Nations' Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and the national standard 'Packaging Specification for Hazardous Chemical Crystal Organic Oxide' (GB27, Part 3-2011). The standard packaging form is shown in the table below. Please contact us to confirm the availability of other packaging forms:
HDPE closed barrel 5 liters 5 kilograms 4 X 5 kilograms cardboard box
HDPE closed barrel, 20 liters, 15-20 kilograms, single packaging form, can be stacked and transported on pallets
HDPE closed barrel 25L 20-25kg single packaging form, can be stacked and transported on pallets
HDPE open barrel 25 liters 20-25 kilograms for paste products.
Safety Tips
Corrosive to glasses - can lead to blindness
• Accidental ingestion may be fatal
• Strong irritant - avoid contact with skin
Heating or pollution can cause fire or explosive decomposition
Fire extinguishing measures
Notify the fire department immediately
Small fire: Use water or carbon dioxide fire extinguishers to extinguish the fire.
Fire: put out the fire with water at a safe distance, preferably with water spray, water spray or water-resistant film-forming foam extinguishing agent.
Use water spray to cool containers in storage or operation areas near a fire.
Difficult to ignite, once ignited, the fire is intense and accompanied by an increase in burning intensity.
Before clearing the fire or taking rescue actions after a fire, wait for the fire to completely cool down.
Emergency measures
Eye contact: Immediately rinse with water continuously for at least 15 minutes, seek medical attention
Skin contact: Remove contaminated clothing and shoes, thoroughly wash the skin with soap and water.
Accidental ingestion: Do not induce vomiting, drink plenty of milk or water, seek medical attention immediately.
Inhalation: Move to a place with fresh air and immediately contact medical assistance.
Safe storage
Store in a cool place away from flammable materials. Large quantities of MEKP should be stored separately and independently.
Do not store in refrigerators that store food or beverages.
Do not store with drilling accelerators or other accelerators, accelerators, corrosive or flammable materials.
Keep stored in the original packaging container, and all storage areas should be labeled with "No Smoking", "Organic Peroxides", and "Keep Away from Open Flames" signs.
Safe operation
No smoking, no sparks, no heat, no pollution, wear safety glasses and protective gloves.
Install emergency shower and eye wash stations in the workplace.
Store as few MEKP products as possible on the production site, only maintaining the necessary quantity.
Do not return the poured MEKP products to their original packaging and dispose of empty packaging drums in accordance with laws and regulations.
Use clean containers and approved materials to operate MEKP products.